Project Live/Evil Jazz Club

Interior fit-out and creative design of a jazz club in the Gasteig

Stimmungsvolle Bar im Live/Evil Jazz-Club, beleuchtet in dramatischem Rot, mit modernen Sitzgelegenheiten und einer markanten Deckengestaltung, die eine einladende Atmosphäre für Musikliebhaber im Herzen Münchens schafft.


Live/Evil at the Gasteig,

About the project

In the centre of Munich’s vibrant cultural scene, the former ‘GAST’ in the Gasteig was transformed into the ‘Live/Evil’ jazz club in just two weeks.

The challenge of this rather unusual project lay in the short time frame for realisation:
The ‘LIVE EVIL’ jazz club was created in the former ‘GAST’ in the Gasteig in just two weeks. This required interdisciplinary, smooth co-operation between the individual trades and maximum flexibility on the part of all protagonists.
LIVE EVIL is a project that shows that not only ‘success is fun’, but also ‘fun is success’!


  • Event area
  • Stage
  • Lounge area

Collections used

  • Johanson Design: High Benches, Stools, Tables, Soft Seating.
