We are pleased to now have access to the entire MillerKnoll family of products.
Herman Miller and Knoll become MillerKnoll.
MillerKnoll is the most influential provider of modern design.
Hauser Office Design is now one of three Pilot Partners in Germany with access to the entire MillerKnoll family.
“MillerKnoll is an association of dynamic brands coming together to shape the world we live in.”
The MillerKnoll Group includes the following brands:

Why MillerKnoll
The MillerKnoll Group brands are not only distinguished by outstanding and modern design, they are also constantly working to improve their sustainability.
MillerKnoll Sustainability Goals 2030:
- Reducing carbon footprint: reducing CO-2 emissions from products and operations by 50%, and reducing CO-2 emissions from suppliers.
- Waste reduction: no use of single-use plastic and overall reduction of all types of waste.
- Sourcing more sustainable materials: more focus on using recycled materials (at least 50%), purchased materials should come from manufacturers that produce responsibly and sustainably.
Would you like to know more about MilleKnoll products? Then simply send us an e-mail at: officedesign@hauser.de or call us on: 089 748 08 68 – 0.