How cool is it to bring a bit of nature into the office or home – without all the stress associated with watering, repotting and the like?
That’s exactly what we experienced at our exclusive women’s evening: creating moss pictures that not only look awesome, but are also sustainable and very long-lasting.
Women’s power at our event
Together with our partners Birgit from Amtico and Bianca from König + Neurath, we thought about it: Why not try something new and replace the classic men’s round table with a creative women’s evening? No sooner said than done!
With ten super-creative female interior designers, we snipped, pinned and created our very own moss artworks. There was plenty of chatting, laughing and networking – and at the end, each participant was proud to take her own unique piece home or to the office.
Especially cool: Moss pictures are real, preserved moss that requires no water, care or light – but still looks fresh and adds that certain something to any room. They are not only stylish, but also sustainable and perfect for offices where permanent irrigation is not an option.
This is where Marica and Hannah from styleGREEN came into play. The two of them guided us through the evening with their expertise and gave us plenty of tips on how to arrange the moss perfectly. With their support, each frame became a small work of art that will give pleasure for a long time.
Our partners in action
A big thank you also goes to our partners and co-organisers of the event: Amtico, known for innovative, stylish floor coverings that make a statement in every room, and König + Neurath, who create working environments with their modern office furniture and room solutions.
Who are we?
Wir sind ein kreatives Team, das Freude daran hat, Arbeitswelten zu gestalten, die inspirieren und motivieren. Ob durch die richtigen Möbel, clevere Raumlösungen oder coole Events wie dieses: Wir lieben es, Räume zu gestalten, die nicht nur praktisch sind, sondern auch den Menschen Freude bereiten, die dort arbeiten.
Thanks to all participants for a great evening!
You were great! Each of you enriched the evening with your creativity and openness. It was inspiring to work with you and to see how each moss picture was given a very personal touch.
Here you can find some impressions of our event:

Kind regards,