Archicooking with VANK – sustainability meets cuisine at Smartvillage Bogenhausen

Let’s cook together! – Under this motto, we spent an inspiring evening together with VANK and 12 invited guests at Smartvillage Bogenhausen. Cooking together was not only about enjoyment, but also about exchanging ideas about sustainable materials, future-orientated office design and responsible business – topics that are important to us at Hauser Office and our […]

Hauser Academy – An inspiring workshop day at DAS Munich

Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer der Hauser Academy im DAS München – zufriedene Teilnehmer nach einem erfolgreichen Schulungstag in modernem Ambiente.

Discover new trends, deepen your knowledge and experience products up close – that’s what the Hauser Academy is all about! Our first Academy 2025 took place in a very special setting: DAS Munich. Here, in the midst of design, architecture and creative work concepts, we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the world of […]

Our start to the new year: team meeting in Poing

Das Hauser-Team bei einem Meeting in einem modernen Konferenzraum. Die Teilnehmer sitzen an einem großen Tisch, umgeben von großen Glasfenstern, die einen Blick nach draußen ermöglichen. Der Tisch ist mit Getränken, Snacks und Arbeitsmaterialien gedeckt, während die Gruppe in entspannter Atmosphäre zusammenarbeitet

The Hauser team wishes you all a great start to the new year 2025! 🎉 Our year began with a cosy breakfast followed by a workshop. One focus was the upcoming redesign of our office. We want to make our space even more of a place that inspires, motivates and takes everyone’s individual needs into […]

Our Christmas party 2024 – A magical evening at Café Ludwig

It was that time again last week: our annual Christmas party was coming up, and this year we celebrated it in the atmospheric Café Ludwig. Together with König + Neurath, we spent an unforgettable evening – with lots of good humour, delicious food and great music!! The evening began with a cosy mulled wine reception, […]

The new showroom in Munich – our visit to Deberenn

Moderner Lounge-Bereich im deberenn Showroom in München mit eleganten Sesseln, einem Marmorcouchtisch und Designleuchten.

Do you already know Deberenn? Sometimes you come across brands that not only inspire with their products, but also with the people behind them. Deberenn is just such a brand – authentic, creative and with a clear focus on design and quality. We had the pleasure of visiting Deberenn’s new showroom and were impressed by […]

Christmas gifts with a heart: our Advent wreaths from the Augustinum Group

Eine lächelnde Frau hält einen weihnachtlichen Adventskranz mit dunkelroten Kerzen, getrockneten Orangenscheiben und Tannenzweigen in die Kamera.

It’s that time of year again – Advent is just around the corner, and this year we were delighted to have a special collaboration with the Augustinum. At short notice, we were able to obtain handmade Advent wreaths from the Hollern nursery, which were created with a lot of love, care and a high degree […]

Hauser is König Partner 2024 again: Award from König + Neurath

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von sieben Personen während eines Vertriebsmeetings bei König + Neurath in Karben, gemeinsam mit dem Hauser-Team. Eine Person hält eine rote Auszeichnung in den Händen, während alle anderen in Business- oder Smart-Casual-Kleidung lächelnd posieren. Im Hintergrund ist moderne Dekoration in Orange und Grau sowie der Schriftzug „WORK CULTURE“ zu sehen.

We are delighted to announce that we have once again been honoured as König + Neurath’s King Partner for 2024! As part of the annual sales meeting in Karben, we were presented with the Königspartner trophy by Ludwig König, Yvonne Heidenbluth and Michael Kunkel. What a great moment! A day full of highlights The sales […]

Young Stars in Karben – How Hauser turns its team into acoustic experts

Vier Personen posieren vor einer gläsernen Wand im König + Neurath Showroom, reflektiert in warmen Lichttönen, mit einem Blick auf moderne Büroeinrichtung im Hintergrund. Der Fokus liegt auf Zusammenarbeit und Design.

Did you know that poor acoustics can significantly impair the productivity of your employees? Room acoustics play a central role in office planning – because at Hauser, we attach great importance to creating not only beautiful, but also functional and healthy working environments. And one thing must not be missing: perfect acoustics. But what exactly […]

Our visit to Orgatec 2024

Die Mitarbeiter von Hauser Office Design stehen vor dem Eingang zur Orgatec, einer Messe für Bürodesign und Einrichtungslösungen in Köln. Sie lächeln und posieren unter einem großen roten und weißen Orgatec-Schild, mit moderner Glasarchitektur im Hintergrund.

Orgatec is back – and we were there live! This year, we travelled to the largest international trade fair for modern working environments in Cologne to experience the latest trends, innovations and office furniture highlights up close. Together with colleagues from Sales, Internal Sales and Marketing, as well as two interior designers, we set off […]